Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers at Clinch Valley Medical Center perform an important role in helping us achieve our goal of providing high quality, cost effective care. A wide range of volunteer opportunities exist at CVMC -- from staffing the gift shop or surgical waiting room desk to ministering to the spiritual needs of our patients and families.

Auxiliary Volunteers

The Clinch Valley Medical Center Auxiliary volunteers have been united since 1976 and share the common goal of providing aid and comfort to patients and their families. Dynamic and powerful advocates for patients and families, Auxiliary volunteers strive to contribute to many programs and provide volunteer support which greatly benefits the hospital community as a whole.

Among the programs, special events and fundraising efforts coordinated by the CVMC Auxiliary are:

  • Three annual scholarships through Southwest Virginia Community College
  • Social Work Emergency Fund
  • Basket for the first baby of each new year
  • Annual donations to:
    • Richlands Area Ministerial Association
    • Reddy Tri-County Health Clinic
    • Good Samaritan Food Pantry
    • Richlands Teen Center
    • American Lung Association of Virginia - Southwest
  • A Gallery of Gifts, lobby gift shop

Auxiliary membership enlarges the volunteer experience and gives those who join the pride of knowing they share in these activities and the good work that results. Volunteers play a very important role at CVMC. We invite you to participate by becoming an Auxiliary member.

  • We are looking for volunteers at all skill levels
  • We provide complete orientation and training
  • We offer many hospital benefits to our Auxiliary members, including a yearly TB screening and discounted meals in the hospital's dining room, the Basement Bistro

Pastoral Care Volunteers

CVMC's Pastoral Care Program, an all volunteer service, provides spiritual support and counseling 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. A request for clergy services can be made directly through a patient's doctor, nurses, the hospital operator or by dialing the Chaplain directly at ext. 6855. If a patient or family member wishes to have their own clergy or church contacted, please ask a nurse to assist you.

The Volunteer Pastoral Care Program is designed to meet the spiritual needs of CVMC patients. We recognize that the needs of our patients do not end with medical and nursing care. By organizing the program as part of the total operation of the hospital, and through setting specific guidelines to assist the chaplains in the fulfillment of their responsibilities, CVMC strives to quickly meet our patients' spiritual needs.

CVMC also provides consultation and counseling to patients, family members and others who may be facing ethical or other difficult decisions relative to patient care. Please ask a nurse to assist you in contacting the hospital chaplain.

For more information...

For more information on any of these volunteer opportunities -- Auxiliary or Pastoral Care -- please call Shelby Addison at 276.596.6058.

We've got a volunteer position that's just right for you!