iDo you sleep like a log but feel unrefreshed in the morning or tired during the day? Do you toss and turn all night? If so, you may be one of the almost 50 million Americans who suffer from a sleep disorder. Most are unaware of their problem and may only be alerted to it by a bed partner.
To schedule a sleep study, talk to your doctor or call 800.424.DOCS.
If you experience some of these symptoms, it's time to wake up to the problem. Diagnosis and treatment of your sleep disorder is as close as your doctor. Our Sleep Center offer multiple testing procedures for patients including:
Our goal is to utililze these studies to optimize our sleep medicine practice to the provide the high value and patient-center care for correct diagnosis and optimal treatment.
Common sleep disorders include:
Diagnosis begins when a patient, bed partner or doctor recognized the signs of sleep disorder. For some disorders such as insomnia or restless leg syndrome, history, sometimes supplemented by other testing or the maintenance of sleep diaries, reveals the problem. For other disorders such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy, the disorder must be confirmed by a sleep study or polysomnogram. For narcolepsy and occasionally other conditions, this study is followed the next day by a similar test performed during brief naps (multiple sleep latency test). Sleep apnea may be treated by one or a combination of these therapies: surgery, dental appliance, weight loss and/or a breathing device called nasal CPAP. Narcolepsy and restless leg syndrome are treated with medications. Insomnia is treated primarily by behavioral approaches including a relearning of sleep habits.
To schedule a sleep study, talk to your doctor or call 800.424.DOCS.