Pay My Bill

We are committed to providing you with the best available healthcare and want to offer you easy and reliable billing services as well. You may use the Billing Inquiry link found below to e-mail your billing questions to us.


You may also call us at (866) 482-1973. This is a free call.

Your hospital bill covers all services provided by the hospital, such as your room, nursing care, meals, housekeeping and linens. Your bill may also include services ordered by your physician, such as X-rays, laboratory tests, medical supplies and oxygen.

The bill does not include charges for your personal physician or other doctors involved in your care, including the surgeon, anesthesiologist, pathologist, emergency physician or radiologist. You will receive separate bills from these physicians.

Thank you for choosing Clinch Valley Medical Center as your healthcare provider.

Please note

As you are aware, general Internet e-mail is inherently not secure. We are currently in the process of enhancing this e-mail service and recommend that items considered confidential or private in nature not be communicated through e-mail at this time (i.e., Social Security Numbers, Diagnosis Information, Credit Card Numbers, etc.). When conveying confidential or private information, please contact the Business Office directly at the phone number listed on your statement.

All payment and account information obtained in other areas of our web site is encrypted or encoded securing the information so it can only be read by the intended recipients.

Billing Inquiry

If you have a question about your bill, click here to submit a billing inquiry.

Please have your account number and the date of the hospital service available. This information helps us serve you more quickly.