Breast Screenings & Imaging

Early detection is crucial in the fight against breast cancer, and our screenings and imaging services are tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you are coming in for a routine mammogram or require more specialized imaging, our commitment is to support you every step of the way on your journey to maintaining breast health. Explore our range of services and resources and take the first step towards safeguarding your well-being today.

Services offered:

  • 3D mammography (or tomosynthesis) is a clinically proven screening and diagnostic tool for early breast cancer detection. It uses advanced technology to take images of your breast from different angles and combine them to create a more complete and accurate image of your breast than is possible with regular 2D digital mammography.
  • Breast MRI scans are typically given to patients who are genetically predisposed to breast cancer or those with a strong family or personal history. For these patients, the American Cancer Society recommends both a mammogram and an MRI annually, beginning at age 30. For patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, breast MRI gives surgeons and oncologists a clear picture of the extent of the cancer to ensure that proper treatment is delivered.
  • Breast ultrasounds are used to perform an image-guided overview of the breast and can help pinpoint any areas of concern or diseases that may be present.

If you are one of the 40% of women with dense breast tissue, your physician may recommend a whole breast ultrasound. Learn more about additional screenings for dense breasts for additional peace of mind.

Talk with your provider about your family history, areas of concern, and breast cancer risk. The sooner any form of breast cancer is detected, the greater the likelihood that treatment will be successful.

Schedule your screening mammogram today by calling 276.596.6185.

Find A Provider

Some breast screenings may require a provider order. Talk to your provider or find one today.