
Clinch Valley Medical Center Named a LifePoint Health National Quality Leader

January 27, 2020

Clinch Valley Medical Center today announced that it has been named a LifePoint Health National Quality Leader, recognizing its continued efforts in transforming its culture of safety and achieving high standards of quality care, performance improvement and patient engagement. The designation replaces the hospital’s former recognition as a Duke LifePoint Quality Affiliate.

“We are so proud of our team’s continued efforts to ensure that our patients and their families have the best possible care and experiences and are delighted to recognize their hard work with this new designation,” said Peter Mulkey, chief executive officer of Clinch Valley Health. “The culture of safety we have created here is strengthened every day through the commitment of our physicians and employees across all of our departments, and we look forward to continuing to advance how we deliver quality care close to home.”

Clinch Valley Medical Center was named a Duke LifePoint Quality Affiliate in 2016 in recognition of achieving certain benchmarks in the LifePoint National Quality Program. The LifePoint National Quality program was developed by LifePoint Health in collaboration with Duke University Health System as a structured process for ensuring consistent, high standards of quality and patient safety. Following several years of successfully working together to create and implement the program, including Duke’s support in developing LifePoint’s quality resources, LifePoint will independently operate the National Quality Program moving forward. As a result of this change, hospitals that formerly received Duke LifePoint Quality Affiliate designation to recognize their National Quality Program achievements will now be known as a LifePoint Health National Quality Leader.

“We are delighted to recognize Clinch Valley Medical Center’s continued leadership in quality,” said Victor Giovanetti, FACHE, executive vice president, hospital operations for LifePoint Health. “Its ongoing efforts to drive improvements in quality, patient safety, and patient and family engagement are informing best practices across our system and directly advancing our mission of Making Communities Healthier.”

In addition to evaluating common quality care and patient safety metrics, the LifePoint National Quality Program focuses on foundational elements required to sustain quality care, including committed leadership, systems to ensure continuous performance and process improvement, and a culture dedicated to safety. LifePoint Health National Quality Leader status denotes those hospitals that achieve a broad range of criteria in each of these areas and demonstrate a capacity to continuously measure and improve the work they do.

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