Time Out: Does Your Heart Need a Break?
February 07, 2020You wake up early, start making breakfast and lunches so you can get the kids fed, dressed and out the door in time for school. Follow that with eight or more hours at the office, sandwiched between traffic-laden commutes back and forth from the kids’ ball practice and dance lessons. Once you finally make it home, there’s still dinner to be made, dishes to be cleaned and baths to be taken. Whew.
Sound like a typical day? If it does, it might be time to pause, reassess your daily routine and discover some ways to work in a little more “me-time.”
There are many benefits to taking time for yourself. A little alone time can help you recharge, improve your focus and manage stress – which is key to maintaining a healthy heart.
You may be thinking, “Sounds great, but where in the world would I find the space in my schedule for that?” Well, we have a few strategies that might help.
Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier. Whether you choose to sit quietly, have a cup of coffee or sneak in a workout, as little as 30 minutes of quiet time – just for you – before the rest of the house wakes up can be just what you need to reboot and get ready to face the day with a fresh energy and outlook.
Schedule it like a business appointment. Block out 15-20 minutes on your calendar each day for some quiet time. That time is just for you, and you get to choose what to do with it. Take a walk. Stretch. Or just be still and enjoy the peace and quiet. No matter what you choose to do with your time, make sure it’s your time.
Unplug. That me-time we just talked about? Maximize its effectiveness by unplugging. No Facebook, email, Twitter, etc. Plug your phone in across the room. Let it recharge while you recharge.
Shut the door. Whether you’re taking your “me-time” at home or at the office, don’t be afraid to shut your door. This will help keep your “me-time” from becoming “we-time.”