Your Once-A-Year Day: Annual Screenings are Good for Your Heart
February 18, 2022
Playing an active role in your preventive health is a key factor in preventing heart disease and managing your risk factors for heart problems. And one of the best preventive health measures is your annual check-up with your primary care provider. Even if you don’t have a heart condition, it’s essential to schedule and keep annual exams. Make the most of your time with your provider and ask them about taking these screening tests:
- Weight, waist size and body mass index (BMI)
- Blood pressure
- Cholesterol
- Fasting blood glucose
Your provider will discuss any concerns that result from these screenings and may suggest specific lifestyle changes or prescribe you medication to help you manage a particular risk factor. In some cases, your provider may refer you to a cardiologist for further testing and evaluation if needed.
Staying on top of your annual check-up will help you stay on top of your health so that you can keep doing all the things you love.