
Successful Reconstructive Surgery for Jewell Ridge Church Pastor

January 12, 2023

Looking at Dr. Malcolm Stuart, you’d never know he had reconstructive surgery. A pastor at Jewell Ridge Church for the last 12 years, the 77 year old who now calls Cedar Bluff home was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii to missionary parents. Following in their footsteps, his ministry has taken him around world and eventually led him to settle in Richlands, Virginia.

Malcolm noticed a spot appear on his right ear.

He consulted with a dermatologist and had the spot biopsied to rule out skin cancer. The biopsy led to three surgeries- each surgery leading to a larger circumference of skin being removed from his ear.

Thankfully, Malcolm did not have cancer. He did, however, have an open surgical site on his ear that would not properly heal on its own. He wondered: “How will I get the skin back on my ear?”

Malcolm mentioned his situation to church member and primary care physician Dr. Cortney Farmer. Dr. Farmer referred him to Otolaryngologist Zaven Jabourian, MD, FACS who specializes in head & neck reconstruction with skin grafting at Clinch Valley Health.

Dr. Jabourian said, “I have been trained in reconstructive procedures and I love to do these types of cases.”

The skin grafting worked, and now his ear is one hundred percent healed. Malcolm and Dr. Jabourian agree that he has no scarring, and it looks like Malcolm never had surgery. Malcom says, “It’s perfect. I am very pleased with the outcome.”

Three weeks after his reconstructive surgery, Malcolm visited loved ones in Hawaii. To optimize the healing process, Dr. Jabourian advised Malcolm to keep his surgical site dry. That meant no swimming, surfing or scuba diving on his trip. Malcolm laughingly says that staying dry in Hawaii is his only regret about his reconstructive surgery. Malcolm certainly acknowledges it was worth following Dr. Jabourian’s orders allowing for a completely healed ear.

Malcolm, like so many patients, rely on Clinch Valley Health for quality care close to home. Clinch Valley Ear, Nose and Throat offers a range of otolaryngology and audiology services including hearing aids, ear tubes, head & neck skin cancer surgery, reconstruction surgery with skin grafts or flaps, and hearing & balance disorder.

Click here for more information on ENT services at Clinch Valley Health.

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