Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac Rehabilitation (Cardiac Rehab) is a comprehensive twelve-week outpatient program that includes patient education, nutritional counseling, and progressive exercise. The goal of the program is to help you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Although Cardiac Rehab is medically supervised by a hospital physician, the program itself consists of a multidisciplinary team of specialists. The team consists of registered nurses specialized in cardiac rehabilitation, registered dietitians, pharmacists, social workers, and chaplain/counselors. This team works together to develop a program to meet your individual needs and provides training and guidance. In addition, your personal physician receives reports of your progress and is consulted on matters concerning your care.

What commitment does this program of care require? 

After a referral from your doctor, a nurse conducts an admission interview. This nurse will help you identify goals for your personal program. An exercise prescription, based on periodic exercise testing, is used to guide your physical activity. In addition, counseling is offered for risk factor reduction which includes: weight reduction, smoking cessation, management of diet and stress, and proper exercise techniques.

Cardiac Rehab participants attend hour-long sessions two to three times a week for up to three months. The sessions feature closely monitored exercise along with individual and group education. Additionally, Cardiac Rehab involves support from other participants, family members, and professional staff.

Who could benefit from Cardiac Rehab?

  • Had a heart attack.
  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Heart failure.
  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD).
  • Had angioplasty or bypass surgery.
  • Had another type of heart surgery, such as valve replacement.
  • Had or plan to have a heart transplant.


  • Identifies your risk factors and helps you learn to control them.
  • Provides you with safe activity and specialized exercise therapy.
  • Helps you safely resume your usual activities at home.
  • Increases your knowledge of heart disease so that you will learn to take better care of yourself.
  • Helps you develop a sense of well-being, improves self-confidence, and provides friendship as you and other
  • CARE patients work at improving your heart and health.
  • The CARE program offers you the guidance needed to minimize further heart problems and to restore a healthy heart and a full life.

In order to participate in an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program, you must have approval from your doctor. Cardiac rehab is covered by most insurance programs.

For more information, please call 800.424.DOCS.