Physical Therapy
Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants are licensed by the Virginia Board of Medicine. They are highly skilled health care professionals who work closely with patients, helping them achieve their rehabilitative goals. Therapists provide patients the expertise and guidance needed to:
- improve mobility
- increase range of motion
- increase strength
- return to work or sport
- improve stamina and endurance
- educate patients
Who needs physical therapy?
The types of patients and problems who benefit from physical therapy services may include:
- neck and back pain
- shoulder, elbow, forearm and hand injuries
- athletes with sports injuries
- industrial accidents
- motor vehicle related accidents
- arthritic problems
- fibromyalgia
- strokes
- neurological conditions
- head and/or spinal cord injuries
- children with disabilities
- balance and dizziness problems
- jaw pain
- amputees
- cancer pain, weakness & deconditioning
- lymphedema
- pregnant women with back pain
What will I do in physical therapy?
Physical therapy treatments may include:
- exercise to improve strength, flexibility and endurance
- balance/fall prevention
- home exercise instruction
- body mechanics instruction
- work conditioning
- manual therapy
- gait training
- heat/ice
- manual lymphatic drainage
- electrical stimulation
- traction
- ultrasound /phonophoresis
- iontophoresis
- massage (therapeutic)
Why choose Clinch Valley Health for your physical therapy needs?
We are dedicated to providing our patients with individually tailored, results-oriented programs that return them to their highest level of functional independence. Our therapists never forget that treating patients is a privilege. We take pride in our ability to work closely with our patients, giving them the attention they deserve to ensure their maximum rehabilitation potential. Our therapists make a positive difference in the lives of the patients we treat. Please allow us to assist you with your therapy needs.
Please call 276.596.6142 for outpatient appointments for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and/or Speech Therapy.